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Supplier Visits in Malaysia & Indonesia


TextSnell's CE, Shaun Williams, and our Group Procurement Manager, Andrew Day, have recently returned from a two week trip to Indonesia and Malaysia to visit our existing suppliers and new factories.


Snell's CE, Shaun Williams, and our Group Procurement Manager, Andrew Day, have recently returned from a two week trip to Indonesia and Malaysia to visit our existing suppliers and new factories. 

Our key learnings from the trip are: 

  • Visiting international suppliers in-person on an annual basis allows us to accurately assess ESG compliance. Simply relying on external audit results and certifications is not sufficient. 
  • A signed Supplier Code of Conduct is an essential tool in ensuring your suppliers' practices align with your business' requirements from an ESG standpoint 
  • Businesses should remain in regular contact with their suppliers to ensure they are upholding the standards your business requires
  • Your business is impacted by who you choose to partner with. As a result, businesses need to carefully evaluate whether the actions of their suppliers align with their own business' values and practices.

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